Wednesday, May 8, 2013

How to Enjoy Work

Ideally, we should choose our career based on our personal preference and aptitude. So if you like writing or painting, and have an aptitude for these activities, then you should hone your skills and become an expert so that you can make a living by practicing your cherished hobbies every day. Not all of us are lucky enough to get our dream job in terms of personal preference. Many people opt for vocations that pay top dollar but do not necessarily give job satisfaction. Such people can adopt the attitude of ‘Love what you do and do what you love’ to do their best and enjoy their daily work.

Do One Task at a Time
Multi-tasking may be in vogue today, but it is a fact that if you try to do too many things at a time you will lose focus and will not be able to give your best to any of the tasks. To give your best and to enjoy your daily work, you should do only one task at a time and focus fully on it.

Don’t be in a Hurry
Quality is more important than quantity. So don’t be in a hurry and try to finish your work quickly. Try to enjoy the journey a little bit. This is more important than blindly hurrying to reach the destination.

Do it with Awareness
Do the job at hand with full awareness and concentration. Enjoy every little nuance of it to get job satisfaction. For example, if you are a writer, try to embellish your prose with puns and other creative tweaks to make it more interesting for the reader. Ensure the end copy is free of all errors. A job well done can thus give you creative and professional satisfaction.

Identify the Positive and Negative Aspects
If you are stuck in a job because you have to pay your bills, try to love what you do. Identify the positive and negative aspects of this job. See if you can glean a silver lining somewhere. By thinking positively, you can approach your job more confidently and even begin to enjoy it.

Be Committed
Don’t do your work in a haphazard manner. You should display exemplary professionalism and dedication which would make the management put their full trust in you. Your high quality work and selfless dedication can win you accolades from your boss and colleagues. This will serve to spur you to give your best to your job and help you enjoy doing your allotted duties.

Take a Break to Relax
If your work is taxing, then take breaks as often as allowed to relax. Rub your hands together and practice palming to experience instant coolness and relaxation. You can also do brief meditation, deep conscious breathing and a few yoga stretches to loosen up physically and mentally, and get recharged for the next session of work.

Remember that you have control only over the effort you put in, and not the results. So give your best to your job and enjoy the rest. When you enjoy doing your duty, work becomes play and you will relish every minute of the workday.

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